Things were going swimmingly with Carbon Footprint, boat builder extraordinaire Simon Maguire had fitted a new wand control system and The Print was like a new boat. (More on the technical details to follow - well recommended to anyone struggling to rein in their older boat). Carbon Footprint skipped happily around Weymouth Harbour, handling the admittedly small waves admirably and not once threatening to get my pony tail wet. With things going so well, how could I have done it?.....Was it the lure of the sunshine?......The thought of happy evenings sharing a beer with fellow Mothies at Foil Fest?.....Or that after a week of Alan’s intensive coaching at Pro Vela, even I had to be able to sort out gybing. I told myself I was doing it for Carbon Footprint, if I came back a better sailor surely it would be for her benefit... and besides, I’m a big girl, I can handle temptation...
But then I saw him, he caught my eye across the dinghy park, he was more handsome than I remembered in a shiny new chrome and flame embossed outfit. All too soon those old feelings came rushing back. (Actually it wasn’t that soon as it took a whole day to unpack him from his box in the rain and remember how to put him together- many thanks to all the Mach 2 owners club who helped). But my head was in the clouds and full of the joy of our last meeting.
I tried hard to resist but the Mach 2 pulled all his best moves, he strutted for the camera, he flashed his guns at me, he took me behind the island in the long distance race, he even donned his aviators, snuck up behind me in the bar and said “Excuse me, is he bothering you mam? I’ll handle this” before breaking into song. (Ok, ok, so the last bit may have happened in my fantasy Top Gun world but I’m sure you understand). The electricity flowed as we once again frolicked in the sunshine, he knew Carbon Footprint was performing so much better now and he upped his game, not once throwing me violently into the shrouds despite some breezy days and some feisty little waves. What was I going to do, I couldn’t keep it a secret, the evidence was out in Alan’s press releases on Yachts and Yachting, there’s even a You Tube video!
Check out the evidence:
(The lyrics are a bit parental guidance - cover any easily offended ears!)
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